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Doug Gottlieb Is Living Rent-Free in LeBron James’ Head

Photo: Ezra Shaw

Dan Beyer & Monse Bolaños are in for Doug today but Doug takes a few moments to check-in on his own show after Lakers superstar LeBron James took a shot at him on social media over the weekend. It feels like James is “punching down” and, considering Doug’s Green Bay Phoenix broke their losing streak yesterday, his timing couldn’t have been worse.

Doug Gottlieb: “Me talking trash to (LeBron James) would technically be punching up; and him it’s punching down so, I don’t know, I mean, I guess pettiness and insecurity aren’t limited to the people who aren’t super successful in their field...It doesn’t make any sense. Like why, on a President’s Day Monday when you have the day off, are you worried about me?”

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